Learning Disability Practice Latest research in journal Learning Disability Practice
- Learning disabilities: can arts and crafts help mental health?el abril 11, 2024 a las 12:00 am
People with learning disabilities experience poorer mental health than those in the mainstream population (Sheerin 2017). Much of this comes not from any underlying illness, but rather from an imbalance between coping skills and the everyday stresses of living a life that may be very different to those of one’s
- How to talk about relationships and sexuality with people who have intellectual disabilitiesel abril 11, 2024 a las 12:00 am
People with intellectual disabilities want meaningful relationships, which could mean friendship or intimacy. Nurses and other professionals can support children and young people with intellectual disabilities to understand sexuality as well as promoting friendships and safe relationships. However, best practice guidelines are needed to promote consistency in practice that meets
- How nurses can help to reduce epilepsy deathsel abril 11, 2024 a las 12:00 am
Epilepsy is one of the most common and preventable causes of death for people with learning disabilities and/or autism.
- What nurses should know before undertaking a PhDel abril 11, 2024 a las 12:00 am
I am a senior lecturer in learning disability nursing and in January I started studying for a PhD. This was not a decision I took lightly There was a lot to consider. How long will it take? What subject should I cover? Should I do it full or part-time? What
- Increasing cervical screening uptake among people with learning disabilities: a pilot projectel abril 11, 2024 a las 12:00 am
The uptake of cervical screening is lower among people with learning disabilities than in the general population. Between 2020 and 2022, a pilot project was undertaken in south west Hertfordshire to increase the uptake of cervical screening among people with a cervix who are eligible for screening and registered with