Nurse Researcher Latest research in journal Nurse Researcher
- How to deal with an unsuccessful research bidel marzo 13, 2024 a las 12:00 am
Research income from external grants or fellowships has become the exemplary metric of an individual’s research success (Moore et al 2017, Edwards 2022) because to do the research you need the funding.
- What nurses should know before undertaking a PhDel marzo 13, 2024 a las 12:00 am
I am a senior lecturer in learning disability nursing and in January I started studying for a PhD. This was not a decision I took lightly There was a lot to consider. How long will it take? What subject should I cover? Should I do it full or part-time? What
- Want to do a PhD? Some important things to considerel marzo 13, 2024 a las 12:00 am
Setting out on a doctoral study is a big and exciting decision. It is easy to be swept up in the urgency to enrol and not strategically plan this major step in your life and career. I am often approached by nurses wanting to do a PhD. Some have a
- Best practices in reporting analyses of questionnaires as objective rating scales of variable measuresel marzo 13, 2024 a las 12:00 am
Background The best practice model states that the highest quality of scientific information in a discipline should be used when addressing pertinent problems. The usefulness of any measure depends on the least allowable error, which implies that best practice approaches must be used during analyses of rating scales. However, modern
- A novel research competency framework for clinical research nurses and midwivesel marzo 13, 2024 a las 12:00 am
Background Clinical research nurses and midwives (CRN/Ms) are highly specialised registered nurses. They combine their clinical nursing expertise with research knowledge and skills to aid in the delivery of rigorous, high-quality clinical research to improve health outcomes, the research participant’s experience and treatment pathways (Beer et al 2022). However, there